Reserve A Date - Anime Watch Club Jun 29 - Porco Rosso

This months meetup starter topic will be excellent movie Porco Rosso from Studio Ghibli.

Anime community is flourishing in Riga and is here to offer non-Latvain speaking community a chance to have a nice evening by discussing a anime movie and have a geeky afterparty. How these events work:

  • You watch Porco Rosso;
  • We all meet;
  • Discuss the movie for about an hour and have fun!
  • Afterparty in which to chat about anime, games, boardgames or whatever you want

Of course Latvian speakers ar welcome as well as per tradition. If you have not seen the movie, no worries you still can come, but respect that we will be talking the first hour about our starter topic.

:house: Where? :house:
Lofts - Matīsa iela 8, Rīga

:date: When? :date:
Next Saturday - 29th Jun

:clock5: At what time? :clock5:

Are you coming?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

:tada: See you there! :tada:


Sociālie linki! Pleas click on something in there, if you can.

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“non-Latvian speaking community” - me having free time


You and we have couple of new Facebook bots clicking on the event. :joy:

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Tiekamies jau rīt! Mums ir rezervēta vietiņa uz terases, tā nu varam nebīties no karstuma. Lofts veras vaļā 17:00, ja kāds ir atnācis agrāk, nebaidieties, ja tas vēl nav atvērts.

We are meeting up tomorrow! Our table reservation is in the terrace zone. Take into the consideration that Lofts opens at 17:00.

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nu…vismaz nebūs jādomā kur visus izsēdināt