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Pēdējā kiznaiver epizode diezgan patika, foršs jūtu uzliesmojums. Jācer gan, ka beigās nebūs plika jūtu skaidrošanās un jūtu drāma. Ceru, ka eksperiments turpināsies un gaidīšu pārsteidzošas beigas. :smiley:
Jāsagaida beigas un varbūt pat sanāks uzrakstīt savas domas par visu sēriju tādā kā izklāstījumā. :smiley:

Par kiznaiver 09. epizodi.

The question at the end of the episode remains the same as it was from the beginning. What now? I hope we won’t be spending the next episode with all our characters busy moping and angsting over love. I don’t want to spend an episode waiting for someone to step up to snap everyone out of their funk. I have long since gotten tired of seeing anime characters wallow in self pity when simply talking things out is far more productive. Sure you can argue it’s realistic but it’s not enjoyable and this series doesn’t have the episode count to indulge such fruitless time wasting.I never cared for Chidori’s little crush because I never saw it as being remotely achievable and Nico’s feelings even less so. If this is the story from now on then I would have preferred that the animation budget that went into this would have been transferred to Space Patrol Luluco as it at least presents something that I can’t find in a dozen other anime series. I am 27 years old and I have long lost the romance for these shy first loves with no progress so I say to those with achievable love, quit the beating around the bush, put yourself out there and get together. To those desiring a love damned from the start, cut your losses and settle for something within your reach. Sure it’s not a romantic notion but damn it, it’s practical. Besides you are a teenger and your first love is hardly going to be your only chance at it.

It looks as though the previous Kiznaiver experiment failed when some event caused all the kids to be crippled with emotional pain which looks to have been caused by Noriko. This very same thing looks to have happened to the gang here though the cause is more our chain of unfulfilled loves. The indirect cause might be the same though as this time was more or less orchestrated by the school teacher who is pushing for more results regardless of the cost. This certainly didn’t really help as I see it as the same results as before where negative emotions are being transferred easier than positive ones. In this case it wasn’t so much the voices of their hearts that was transferred but rather their deepest most selfish desire. Otherwise Nico’s desires to keep the group remaining as friends would have come across as well as her desire for Tenga. I do like the contrast as she spoke of her selfless desire while her true selfish desires interrupted her. I love the deep red and static effect as the characters inner voices are heard. I do think that this episode is for the most part presented well but as stated before, I don’t feel this fallout was built upon properly. It feels hasty and flimsy so while I can appreciate the direction of this episode, I cannot approve of the shoddy foreshadowing. ieraksts

es jau domāju tu taisīsi :confused:

Katru epizodi es nespēju tik gari aprakstīt. :smiley:

ohh jauna kiznaiver episode vienk harsh :slight_smile: but i like it

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Beidzot mums sāk atklāt noslēpumus. Varēja pat vēl tumšāk.

Es biju vienīgais, kurš neko nejuta? :smiley: Iepriekšējā epizode bija spēcīga, šī visai švaka. :s

nu man baigi intereseja kas isti bija starp sonozaki un katsuhira tpc man shita epizode tik pamatigi patika :stuck_out_tongue:

Man patika iepriekšējās epizodes jūtu uzliesmojums, eksperimenta zaļākais un vērtīgākais punkts. Šī tāda attiecību skaidrošana vien bija. :confused:

Biju jau sacerējies, ka tūlīt sāksies lielie prieki. Saņēmu varoņu atgriežamos ikdienas dzīvē. :smiley: Par laimi, man nav nekas pret pagātnes skaidrojumu.

Es vēlējos ko šādu, kā nekā - šī epizode sapurināja visus, diemžēl, nākošā epizode lejupslīde. :confused:

You’re so cruel…

Nenoliedzami tā bija seriāla kulminācija.


Tā uz to skatoties, nav nemaz tik slikti. Nobeigumam tika atvēlētas pāris epizodes. Kulminācija pēdējā epizodē un sasteigtas beigas būtu sliktāks gājiens.

Man tieši tā epizode šķita viena no sliktākajām epizodēm :smiley:

:salt: :salt:

Ļoti ceru, ka beigās viņi spēs izveidot kaut ko tikpat iespaidīgu.

jauna kizna ep vnk right in sanazaki
get it ? get it ? no ? ok.

she so cute


Jap man ari too cute

Pagaidām šim brīnumam esmu ticis līdz 5 epizodei - baigi velkās tā anime. Pagaidām varētu pusi izgriezt un nekas nemainītos. Ir sava tipa intriga - bet par viņu autori atcerās, kad galīgi vairs nav ko rādīt. Nezinu, pagaidām tā ir anime, kuru, ja kāds man prasītu ko ieteikt, es neieteiktu - nu interesantākus darbus varētu atrast. Nu jēla viņa ir… varbūt tālākajās epizodēs viņa arī ir laba… cik noprotu no komentāriem…

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Deammm… tas gifs ir tik labs ka vēlos pat noskatīties :smiley: