skaitās tādā pašā kārtībā kā smiltis kaitās minerāls.
Skaidrs, tad jau pelni ar.
ko? nedomāju vis, pārlasi minerāla definīciju
“QR kods” - “kvadrātkods”
“And there’s really virtually no compelling evidence that that, in fact, is the cause.”
Bļe daunis nahuj.
Man ļoti patīk viens ķīniešu teiciens, kas šeit lieliski atbilst: “you have eyes, but you fail to see”.
10 posts were split to a new topic: Cik daudz kadrus sekundē ir spējīga atšķirt cilvēka acs
Probably still soul-sucking work though.
10 posts were split to a new topic: Bažas par Windows Activity Tracking un jauno Windows Recall
i…I beg your pardon?
14 posts were split to a new topic: Mūsu autoskolas pieredze
No tālā 2022. gada.
It has recently come to light that environmental organisations operating within the European Union have, to a large extent, been a cover for Russian lobbying aimed at weakening the EU economically and making Member States dependent on Russian energy resources.
These so-called environmental organisations have focused their activities on three main objectives: fighting against the development of nuclear energy, fighting against energy production from fossil fuels extracted within the EU, including through fracking, and promoting so-called green energy (including solar and wind) at the expense of the previous two.
Today, in the face of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, it is clear that Russia’s machinations have effectively made a large number of Member States dependent on raw materials from Russia. Countries such as Germany do not agree with the imposition of an embargo on Russian raw materials, arguing that there are no alternatives.
Bāc, no vienas puses redzu kā bailēm no atomenerģijas viegli piešaut eļļu ugunij no ārpuses, taču frāžu “so called green energy” un “so called green deal” izmantojums liek pacelt uzacis. Sevišķi kad tas nāk no poļu konserva
Gribētu redzēt žurnālistisku ieskatu šajā, jo ož pēc sussy konspirācijas