Seriāli un Filmas ko šobrīd skatos



efekti bija labi, bet nu daudz plothole, un galvenā varone pa lielam no nekurienes kļuva par šito badass cīnītāju. Aktierspēle ar brīžiem likās baigi corny

Story time!

Surviving Roar

During production of 1981’s big cat flick Roar, the director was attacked 11 times, star Tippi Hedren had her skull chewed and a teenage Melanie Griffith was left needing facial reconstruction surgery. Due to the use of untrained lions and hiring of inexperienced animal handlers a staggering number of on-set maulings took place when filming “the most dangerous movie ever made.”

The idea for Roar was conceived by Exorcist producer Noel Marshall, and his actress-wife Tippi Hedren - star of Hitchcock’s 1963 suspense classic The Birds.

Billed as an adventure comedy set in Tanzania, Roar centered on Hank, an animal naturalist who lived among big cats. As well as directing it, Marshall played the role of Hank, with Hedren portraying his wife. Her teenage daughter Melanie Griffith - a future A-lister herself - played their kid. Marshall had two of his own sons involved also, one of whom who would one day have much to say.

Most of the animals used in the movie were sourced from circuses and private owners where they had been unwanted for troublesome or aggressive tendencies. Additionally, Marshall and Hedren illegally obtained lion cubs by paying off zoos.

After around 50 big cats were procured, production began in 1976 in Soledad Canyon, California. Fearing future lawsuits due to the inevitability of these wild cats attacking people, Marshall and Hedren hired non-union handlers only. But most of them were amateurs with limited experience.

Certain scenes in Roar were just incredibly brazen, often resulting in genuine screams of fear and panic, not to mention real blood. One scene has Hedren smearing her face with honey before allowing a leopard to lick it off.

Marshall’s past as an animal wrangler left him with little fear in giving the cats injections, acting as their vet and moving nonchalantly among them. The cats would attack Marshall a grand total of 11 times. He almost lost a hand after his very first mauling, was later bitten in the face, the chest and the leg. His wife wouldn’t suffer quite as much, but she by no means escaped unscathed:

“Hedren was bitten in the head by the lion Cherries, whose teeth scraped against her skull. She was taken to Sherman Oaks Hospital.”

Tippi: A Memoir

17-year-old Melanie Griffith had a lioness lunge at her, viciously attacking her face. Despite the initial fears of doctors, she managed to keep her almost-gouged-out eye. The attack left her needing 50 stitches and plastic surgery to reconstruct her face.

Marshall and Hedren’s attacks became so frequent that at one point they ended up in hospital together. You might think that the time spent bedbound and in mountains of agony would serve to align the couple’s perspective on seeing out their cursed movie project. But production stubbornly resumed soon as the pair were fit. Unsurprisingly the violent maulings resumed also.

Marshall’s own son John was one such mauling - he ended up needing 56 stitches. Years later John confessed that his dad often refused to call “Cut!” even when petrified actors screamed out for help.

“Dad was a fuckin asshole to do what he did.”

Cinematographer Jan de Bont was almost entirely scalped by a lion, requiring 220 stitches. By the time of de Bont’s attack it’s fair to say that the imperiled cast and crew had suffered, witnessed and survived hell. (Marshall later admitted that over 100 animal attacks took place.) But when Togar the lion ravaged assistant director Doron Kauper it was a step too far for around 20 of them who walked off set. The popular Kauper had been clawed in the chest, jaw and throat, needing 5 hours of emergency life saving surgery.

Eventually the stress of it all killed the marriage of Marshall and Hedren - they got divorced before shooting ended. But even then they persisted with finishing it.

Somehow, against all odds, filming limped to a bloody conclusion in 1981. Initially projected to be a 6 month production, it had taken FIVE YEARS and cost $17 million. Yet, all the trials and tribulations would be forgotten should Roar go on to succeed at the box office.

But it will come as absolutely no surprise that it didn’t. Truth be told, it was never given a chance. Hollywood had long become so pissed off by all of Roar’s delays and missed deadlines that it was denied a release in US theaters. Reduced instead to showings in theatres across the world, it grossed just $2 million, a paltry return on its $17 million budget. One critic panned Roar for having a “really dumb plot and corny dialogue.”

But in recent years the ill-fated flick has garnered a cult following, due to its absurd origin story, juicy moniker of “most dangerous movie ever made” and the terrifying authenticity of its scenes. In 2015 it was finally released in US cinemas.

“It may be the single most irresponsible thing I’ve ever seen. Roar feels like Walt Disney decided to make a snuff version of Swiss Family Robinson. I have watched it three times and will watch it again tonight. I am fascinated by this absolute madness.”

Drew McWeeney

Pirms skatīšanās liku lielas cerības, baigais disappointment beigās bija

Nekad pirms skatīšanās nevajag cerēt uz kko grandiozu.

Expectation is the thief of joy. No exceptions.

Treileris un filmas garums mani apmānīja :(

Man līdzīgs viedoklis. Žēl, ka netflix vairs nav spējīgi piesaistīt normālus scenāristus un masveidā ražo izskatīgas samazgas.

Kino Guru seanss @ FC izrādījās Rebel Moon: part 2 (es neesmu vēl redzējis part 1).

Kāds ir pieredzējis Netflix @ live @ cinema? :smiley:

Karoč filma 7-7.5/10, bija ok, nebija tik sūdīgi, kā sākumā sasolīja. Manam čomam gan baigi likās cringe and shit, bet ir labi zināms, ka viņš nerubī fantastiku principā, tā kā huge grain of salt. Bija meh scēnas, bet bija arī ļoti labas scēnas.

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Šī filma pēc treilera solās būt riktīgi fun action flick; paņēmu biļeti, kamēr zāle praktiski tukša:
6. rinda 10. vieta (vajadzēja ņemt 9. vietu kek)

Quite possibly the most unique and fascinating movie I will ever have seen in my life.
Galīgi nav priekš visiem, pavisam noteikti ne priekš bērniem un IMO pat ne priekš pusaudžiem, ļoti savdabīgas tēmas un formāts, bet cilvēkiem ar brīvu domāšanu vajadzētu patikt. Aktierspēle kolosāla, stāsts unikāls, dialogi vnk kaifs, vizuāli ļoti baudāms, it was just SO GOOD!!!
Vienīgi es nezinu, vai tas bija gļuks vai kas, bet kad runāja franciski, tad nebija subtitru… Bet vietām likās, ka tas tā tīšām. It kā baigi netraucēja.

Needless to say, ja kāds cits sadomās iet, tad negaidiet to, ko es te aprakstīju, lai nav meh. Just be open for anything.


Cik esmu redzējis, vizuāli ir interesanta, bet tā core ideja par par mazuļa smadzeņu ielikšanu pieauguša cilvēka ķermenī un šīs kombinācijas seksualitātes parādīšana atklāti sakot liekas pre-tī-ga. Like she literally has the mental capacity of a newborn. Uuurrrggghhh

Lsvander town bija baigi feins video par šo

Also…filma ir balstīta ur grāmatu…un pilnībā izmainīja visu to stāstu jēgu

Karoč tu palaid garām reāli fantastisku filmu aizspriedumu dēļ.

Wrong, viņa aug un attīstās, tas viss filmā ir attēlots. Filmas beigās viņa ir gudrāks pieaugušais par vairākumu.

Also, komentārs no tava video:

Cilvēkiem, kuri skatās uz lietām tieši, nemeklē kaut kādu slēptu jēgu, kuras var nebūt, un nepiekasās pie atsevišķiem punktiem, šī filma būs ok. Cilvēkiem, kuri saskata slēptu jēgu, bet ir spējīgi to pieņemt mierīgi - arī būs ok. Otherwise, nepatiks.

Season 2 - 9/10.

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9/10, nice, melancholic, sometimes sad, sometimes happy movie about friendships without a single spoken word.

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Uuu nezināju, ka otrā sezona ir jau, būs jāiegrimst mazliet.

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Pavisam nesen izlaida otrās 4 epizodes. Pirmās 4 iznāca pirms vairākiem mēnešiem, bet tā tomēr bija tikai puse sezonas, tā jocīgi.

noskatījos šo:

pilnīgi prasās noskatīties vēlreiz, jo tur tiik daudz tādu mazu sīkumiņu un astētisku liberiņu, ko ar pirmo reizi līdz galam nevar novērtēt

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8.5/10, better than expected, pretty awesome action and CGI!
Vienīgi acīmredzami vajadzēja iepriekš noskatīties Godzilla vs. Kong, šeit trūka konteksta.

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Pabeidzu Shogun. 9/10

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10/10, it was a blast! Best action movie of the year so far.
The action was awesome, there were references to a ton of other movies, the jokes were great, it was just a super entertaining experience all around.
Obviously no sane person looks for a serious plot in a movie like this, it was ok, but that wasn’t the point anyway - everything else was!
Bonus for me: one woman in the audience had a loud and kind of funny laughter (“hihihi” instead of “hahaha”), so whenever she started laughing, everyone else in the audience would laugh even more, it just really lifted the mood up even more, which just added to the experience. Most wholesome moment in my movie-going experience unlocked!