Seriāli un Filmas ko es gaidu

Ja kāds uz kaut ko vēlas piebiedroties, tad šur tur blakus vietas ir brīvas; Bītldžūsam vispār tukša zāle.

Kā tev vispār Krauklis…vnk skatos skeptiski uz viņu kopš redzēju treileri jo nu tas modernizējums likās tāds meeeh salīdzinot ar orģinālo filmu

Es neesmu vēl redzejis pozitīvu atsaukmsi vismaz


Taka ēra of remakes still exist i wait for something complete different. Nesaku kad remake ir slikti, bet remake jabūt pavisam savadākam nekā orģinālam. Tik savadākam, kad sajūti kad skaties pavisam ko citu. Gladiator 2, cerams spēs to.
Es ceru kad būs remakes The Truman Show, kas liktu justies kā horror filmā.
my Fav scene in movie, kas man lika tā justies kā horror filmā:

Truman show diži nevar rīmeikot, jo tā sanāks bezmazvai dokumentālā filma XD


Woohoo Makoto Shinkai atkal Latvijā <3



Lotr anime incoming


treileris jau atklāja visu sižetu lmao.


Treileris izskatās visnotaļ daudzsološs + Jaunzēlandes režisoru filmas rada tādu “comfy” sajūtu, tās skatoties.

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It’s tv show but god damm I want to see it…
And look who is hosting it…the purple man xD

gribas šito noskatīties:

tik jāpagaida kad būs pieejamāka

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Baigi feini ka filma apkopos gan parasto, gan code black sižetus

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Indie 18+ romcom trilleris par aziātu izcelsmes seksa strādnieci, un krievu oligarha atvasi…hmmm

IMDB arī augsts vērtējums

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Treileris izskatījās labs IMO.

Šis uzrunāja redzot treileri

Tikko feisbukā viena paziņa iepostoja ļoti interesantu aprakstu par šo filmu, obligāti jāskatās:

viņas apraksts

‘A Different Man’ feels like the male version of ‘The Substance’. However, there are noticeable differences: for women, having striking looks is almost necessary to be noticed, whereas for men, blending into society requires only an ordinary appearance. Even if a man is unconventionally unattractive, a great attitude can prevent him from being cast out.

The film portrays the unique challenges of men and women: women are judged for their outward appearance and sex appeal, and men are judged more for their success and charisma. The protagonist feels held back and embarrassed by his appearance, and fails to see his worth in a society bent on looks and stature. What he doesn’t realize is that his inner-self is interesting and complex, but he can’t harness that power in him. Even when he transforms into a conventionally attractive man, he’s still the same nervous, awkward person. He acts how he thinks he should, rather than be himself, which makes the introduction of Oswald quite interesting.

Oswald is aggressive, pushy, and somewhat diabolical. While his outward features should be a setback in his life, his confidence and charismatic personality make him the perfect foil for Edward. He is powerful in ways that Edward can only pretend to be, pushing him out of a play about his own life, stealing his love interest and earning the love and admiration that Edward felt deprived of. Edward is so weak and overwhelmed that he tries to pretend to be something he is not. Edward never accepts his truth, eventually leading to misery and self-destructive behavior.

The film attempts to ask questions about masculinity in the contemporary world. Does the fact someone never went to war not make him a man? If he’s overweight and broke is he less of a man? People forget the pressures men feel in modern society.

What’s interesting and different about this film is that we rarely see true deconstructions of the male psyche where the character doesn’t do a complete 180 and become a confident Casanova, or save the day. The reality is, most men in the modern world just exist and hope things turn out for the best.

Forum Cinemas šo filmu neesmu redzējis, nevar saprast, būs vispār vai nebūs. It kā Amerikā iznāca 4. oktobrī.
Edit: eeeh, actually pofig, torrentos ir 4K HDR versija.

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