Instructor politely says “don’t fucking shoot in the head”.
Player: “yeah, Imma just ignore that completely”.
Just don’t ever shoot weak spots like that. Don’t be that guy.
Instructor politely says “don’t fucking shoot in the head”.
Player: “yeah, Imma just ignore that completely”.
Just don’t ever shoot weak spots like that. Don’t be that guy.
Exactly that is the point i seen many times were people dont call hits or dint felt like they got hit, this is sport its requires valor and honor above all. No one likes got hit but that part of game. Then there wierd people gimmicks, headshots nutshots for god sake full auto there so many opnions not be honorable but as you get hang of it all fun. Only not full auto.
One of biggest requirements are to view people in positive light. Otherwise there goes point of playing out of window.
Damn Japanese so passioned:
Literal guy pimped my gun:
Maybe some day i will pimp to for now just stock.
kad uznāk vēlme iemest pāris basic upgrades varam uztaisīt mini pasākumu.