Started the game today, got alot… ALOT of crashes, but guess thats because I didn’t update my drivers at all…
But curious, if anyone has played it, and your personal opinion about it ?
Seems like a interesting game so far, and quite alot of stuff to do in it.
Pats neesmu spēlējis, bet nu esmu abus the evil within izgājis un šito no sākuma gribēja taisīt kā the evil within 3 bet pārdomāja un sanāca šī spēle. Esmu arī gameplay skatījies, ber nu ne visu, kopumā izskatās okay un studija arī vēl nav likusi vilties, so you should have a great experience ahead of u.
Its totally not like Evil Within :'D Its a FP RPG where ya need to exorcise Yokai : ) Hopefully it won’t crash this stream, I had like 5 crashes yesterday… But for the last 3h there werent any, so yeah.
And finished, for me it was a 8/10 game, after 10h it felt a bit weird, but the ending made up for it : )
Pirmo reizi dzirdu par šo. It kā izskatās interesanti, bet nez vai man ir laiks.
Cik ilgi tas ir tev? Viena diena? :D
Well… my streams do take 4-13h a day xD But naa, it took me 15h, but to collect most or everything, thats like 35h+
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