Aļļo, new guy, with wobbly at best Latvian comprehension

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on forums properly, so I hope you’ll forgive if I don’t have the entire posting etiquette down.
I’m in my mid twenties, I like anime, though I mostly read manga and webtoons, I’ve lived in Latvia for about five years now and my latvian is solid enough that I can understand most conversations, and a fair amount of it written.
Insofar as anime goes, I read a lot of isekai slop, trying to find sleeper hits, and otherwise it’s whatever strikes me as decent enough to pass the time, if anybody asks, I can also give reviews of those I’ve read, though they’ll likely be in english until my latvian ability gets up to snuff.

I’m also a farmer, though @Shitbird is the actual owner of the farm, and I work throughout the day, taking care of the same cows.

Currently, (as in within the last 2-3 years), I’ve been learning japanese at the same time as latvian, and made good enough progress that I can be considered almost fully N3. I’m interested in a lot of things, though I am mostly interested in history, language, and anything even remotely military. (not particularly interested in joining said military though.)
I game pretty often as well, though mostly right now it’s split between PlateUp, TTRPG sessions I DM for friends, and the odd Lethal company/Marvel Rivals combo if the stars align.

Ideally, I’d like to better my latvian through interaction with people outside of my usual daily life (which is about 4-5 people), to actually make progress with latvian and become a little bit more independent, but in general I’m open to any sort of discussion, in english or otherwise.


A very dangerous phrase my friend.
Talks of possible campaign have been going on for like a year or so here Xd

Anyhow, nice to see new faces

Also @Shitbird is liking anime a mandatory thing on your farm or what?


POV: you are @Glorpshidded coming to Latvia for the first time



čavas, be prepared for a lot of slang around here, just like japanese have distorted english, latvians have made a mess of four-five languages as well including our own.

ahh, the fellow proverbial backrooms (as in non–mainstream) lurker
What has struck your fancy lately?

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Welcome to our corner of the internet. Nice to have you here!

Light novels or manga? And did you succeed in finding something? :D

Oh yeah, I’m aware, I hear quite a bit of Russo-latvian slang on the daily.

And yeah mostly I read manga, but every once in a while I get the light novel binge.
In recent memory it’s been SSS-rank suicide hunter, and then I went and tried to start reading Sengoku Komachi Kuroutan, but it’s damn near entirely in japanese. It’s actually the work that got me so mad I couldn’t read it, that I started learning the language just to read it.

Dungeon odyssey is also a very good sleeper hit that I started reading a few months back.


Welcome, mate!

It’s always a blast to have new members joining in - we are a small but overly friendly community over here. Probably from the threads alone you can decipher that the topics are MANY! Whilst it is true, that many of them are in Latvian, feel free to join in with any comments you might have - we definitely accept everyones’ input here.

Where are you from, if I may ask?

Initially France, spent 20 years there about. Though there’s not much french to me anymore aside from the compulsive complaining and the gesticulating to illustrate when I talk to someone.


Same, I’ve read at least a couple hundred, although I wouldn’t call most of them slop.
I don’t read LNs though. Have a few bookmarked, but never got around to it.

By isekai slop I mostly mean that it’s the stuff that initially grabs you with a decent premise, and as long as the protag is alone, fiddling with his abilities, it remains interesting, and the moment he interacts with the world it turns into:

“Wow, sasuga isekaijin-sama, I’d never even imagined that putting soy sauce on things would make it super tasty! Please, by all means, take this incredibly important post in my royal retinue with no strings attached as you grow your harem and go on wacky adventures god knows how far away from the kingdom I just tried to bind you to!”

It’s not all exactly like this, but a solid amount rhymes quite well with what I described, which is very unfortunate, because I think it’s just the author forgetting what he initially had in mind for the world and protag as a whole.

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Hi! :blush:

I think we’ll definetly get along just based on being peeved out on bad writing



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Hmmm, I don’t really remember any isekai manga I’ve read being like that… But then again, I have read so many that I’ve simply forgotten most of them.

Hello, hello :)

bonjour, tad jau varu rakstīt tev latviski, lai vari patrenēties!
pirmā anime, ko noskatījies?

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Heyoo :metal:


Sveicināts :slightly_smiling_face: