Unicon 2016

My argument is that I’ve talked with people who’ve been in staff since the very first Unicon about this
you’re asking for a possibly sensitive info cuz you refuse to see things from another perspective but hey who the fuck cares, you’re still gonna go to Unicon and spend money on it
All i’m gonna say is that Unicon is the biggest con in the Baltics so the price for it is quite fair

Ok enlighten me . what am i not getting?
What do you think im trying to prove?

Much debates, much useless info. Just, go and enjoy, not debate about stuff that is none of ours bussines, Really.


although all i wanted to know was how is Flower childs arguments backed up. : D

Shame it was a good read…of course they are getting profit…thats how world works


@Pking, you know… I found shortest answer for your income/ outcome request… Fuck you :smiley:
Now you can say last word and you are the winner. That’s how it works, when you fight me… :smiley:

no u

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unicon 2016 off-topic


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Es varbūt neesmu īsti pamodusies… Bet ieiet latviešu anime forumā un lasīt veselu rindu ar rakstiem angliski… Guys, you sure don’t miss one small, tiny point?

Runājot par UniCon, biļešu cena ir saprotama. Un, pēc manām pieticīgajām skolēna domām, pieejama visiem. Tā lūk.




Ko Jūs tur visi tur ņaudat par biļešu cenām. Cik atceros vecais Animefest (ko paši autori bija i atklājuši) vispār bija gājis mīnusos. Tas nozīmē - nedz jaunu pasākumu, viesu vai vispār kā jauna - kas ļoti arī jutās. Pat bez gaišreģa apliecības varēja pateikt, kas tevi sagaidīs nākamajā gadā.

Šeit vismaz katru gadu ir ko redzēt un klausīties. Vien to cik tev tas ir interesanti individuāli - ir jau cits jautājums. Tāpēc viņu apraksts pavēsta galveno organizatoru mērķi “UniCon (Universal Convention) is a 2-day international event where fans of comics, anime, books, movies, cosplay, crafting and many other fun things, meet to celebrate their hobbies, sub cultures or just find out something new to enjoy.” Kas ir ideāla formula lai nenobeigtos pēc pāris gadiem.


Just because you can afford the 20 euro ticket price, doesn’t justify the fact that it is fucking overpriced. It’s a shameless scam and you people are buying it. Despite the quality increasing, the ticket price throughout years has raised immensely, and if spineless dunces like you will continue supporting it and not question it, it will only rise more and more each year to the point that it will be more expensive to attend Unicon than Comic-Con. Unicon currently has no competition at it’s size in this region, so you can be sure that the ticket price will rise, unless people raise the question : is it worth it?

TL;DR : stop praising mama Parva and Unicon and grow a brain to see that they’re scamming you, and they’re gonna continue doing so, unless you become attentive.

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Actually it was mentioned in one of the Staff Meets that Unicon’s price will most likely stay at its current price unless something drastic happens

Wow dude, you’ve got some great arguments! Surely you’ve won the discussion with your incredible wit.

[quote=“m1raz, post:71, topic:2084”]
That’s how it works, when you fight me…
[/quote] really? What are you 12?


It wouldn’t be the first time a company lies to it’s audience. Even if it stays at it’s current price, it still is overpriced, given the content that it has. They’re going to make over 25 grand, i think that’s a bit of an overkill, even for their personal satisfaction.

wow you really don’t know how much organizing an event as large as Unicon costs. I mean ffs it’s the biggest con in the Baltics so the price is p fuckin fair. Ya know what’s overpriced? NowJapan. It’s smaller than Unicon yet costs more but no one even mentions that. :3
Also i’m in Unicon Staff so I know a bit more than the regular attendee :3

Kada starpiba, cikstesana cenu nemainis :smiley: vai nu perc vai sedi majas, saprotu ka var nebut, bet hey, es padsmit gados ja ko velejos lasiju zemenes un nopelniju :smiley:


You’ve seem to be throwing around your incredible status at Unicon, yet you haven’t provided any actual evidence or even examples related to Unicon being cost-effective, that you could given that you’re staff.
The content that has improved since last cons isn’t very cost necessary, and i remember when the previous cons were cheaper, they didn’t run into any money problems. So please enlighten me with your extreme knowledge about their cost management, and explain how exactly it’s fair. Just because it’s the biggest con in the Baltics doesn’t mean it has to be the most expensive by a mile. As for NowJapan, i can’t comment due to my lack of knowledge, but i’m sure you can start a topic on that and if it truly is overpriced, i encourage you to do so.

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