Uzmini anime

Every generic anime in the world? :smiley:

bet es gribēju ielikt kaut ko super grūtu. :sweat_smile:
(es varu hintot, ja vajag)

Man pa lielam pofig. Taapat nav ko likt.

Amaama to Inazuma

Es cerēju ka kļūdīšos :expressionless:
Dont mind the skype call, I am to lazy to crop it out :smiley:

Hint 1:

[quote=Rewiev] Have this in mind when watching this. It makes it SO much better. It’s not supposed to be good. Imagine a couple of american weeaboos, sitting together and writing a novel, based on their brief knowledge on japan, (That came from watching anime.) and THIS is what you get.

2015 gada 26 sēriju ONA ar 12min epizožu runtime.
Tas kurš grib likt, lai mazliet pagoglē un atradīs, nav īpaši laika šobrīd sekot līdzi un dot kriptiskus hintus

Ninja Slayer From Animation
Šis ja nemaldos, atceros, jo iznāca diezgan interesantā sezonā, lai gan šim par traileri tālāk negribēju iet :smiley:


Ghost Stories? :smiley:


Corpse party

Ya, liec bildi

M3 Kuroki Hagane? :smiley:

Jāāp, nedomāju, ka tik ātri būtu atminēts, jo es pats šo bildi redzot uzreiz neatcerētos :smiley:

Diezgan spilgti atminjaa palicis tas seeru gabals. Bet man atkal nav ko likt. Tev labi kraajumi, ieliec veel kaut ko. :smiley: Es te vairaak mineeshanas peec.