Random art thread

A particularly fine map from Italian artist and cartographer Francesca Baerald, commissioned for the Legend of the Five Rings RPG.

Queen of the Night Scene for Mozart’s Magic Flute by Simon Quaglio, 1818

Design for The Magic Flute: The Hall of Stars in the Palace of the Queen of the Night, Act 1, Scene 6 by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, c. 1815

Hasui Kawase (1883-1957; Japanese painter)

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“Pond in the mist”,c.1910
Henri Biva(France,1848-1928)
oil on canvas



The enchanting paintings of French artist Jean Mallard.


Technical virtuosity in the oil paintings of French artist Christophe Vacher.

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This dude makes crazy cool animations!


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“Two Angelic Spirits” - Gustave Doré

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Grand vistas from the great British artist Bruce Pennington.

The unbelievable pencil-rendered worlds of French artist Laurent Gapaillard.

Would someone else post something for a change?

Photo art by Carla Dlm