hey kids!!!!!!!!!!


I-I like it too

Vaitad tā ar visiem mums introventiem nav? Kad beidzot kāds klausās we r going for a verbal womit

trust me, in my case it’ll be flood

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Nav jau tik traki. Ar tevi forši papļāpāt

līdz šim tas vēl nav piedzīvots, un es nerunāju par ilgumu, bet par kvantitāti īsā laika periodā. Mums skolā tam pat ir termins.

-And im ready to drown

(Damn that was poetic gotta highfive myself)

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Drown in what :smirk:

verbal flood


Hehehe, What did you imagine


Did you realy imagined Void, couse that can be sexualised too! :joy:

Why are you like this???
Are you the local “lets sprinkle everything with hentai” dude? :joy:


just wait when @DarKray will appear


Not always, im just in the special mood tonight to have fun with dudes :joy:

Are you summoning him ?
I dont mess with demons

~ special mood ~
~ fun with my dudes ~
No homo tho :heart::heart::heart:

You summoned him first by mentioning hentai


Forgive me for my sins
I didnt know the consequences of my actions…

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