Anime ko es šobrīd skatos

still just a shounen trash xD

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no u

I’m trash too, but not as big as shounen xD

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One. Piece.


biggest trash out there :D

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Damm bois, yikes

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Noskatījos arī Steins;Gate 0. Alternatīvajā versijā beigās nonāca līdz tam pašam, ka atrada izeju uz Stein;Gate laika līniju kur viss beidzas ar laimīgām beigām, sanāk ja noskaties Steins;Gate 0 pēdējo epizodi nākošā epizode sanāk Steins;Gate 24 epizode.

Kopumā jāsaka, interesantākais kas ar laikā ceļošanu redzēts.

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Paskatījos sayonara zetsubo sensei un Wolfs Rain,

Wolfs rain it īpaši patika

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Nostījos“Space Dandy” , overall ļoti patika, bet pirmā sezona nedaudz labāka likās

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Sagribējās vēl kaut ko paskatīties par laikā ceļošanu, MAL uztrāpīju uz Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete pēc recommendations.
3 sērijas noskatījos, pagaidām nevar saprast kas kā. Bet izskatās pagaidām pēc tādas vidējas Anime.
Jānoskatās, tad jau redzēs :smiley:

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Pamēģināšu ko man neierastu.
Fantasy un 90’s anime ;d


Paskatījos”Free ,eternal summer”, Man it kā patīk, bet šī frančīze ir jau atspēlēta pasaciņa, šī sezona ir tas pats kas pirms tam tik ar citiem characters un nelielu progressu

Macross - pabeidzu skatīties 2. sēriju tikko.

Pabeidzu Steins;Gate ( arī 0 )
Zero beigas likās mazliet confusing, taču anime ļoti patika ^_^


Noskatījos līdz galam Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete. Man likās diezgan ok kopumā, Special epizode man patika vairāk. Vidus nedaudz garumā likās pavilkts, uz beigām tik viss noskaidrojās un interesantāk palika.

Anime līdzīgs Steins;Gate, varbūt nošpikoja ideju :smiley:

Nu beidzot esmu ticis līdz Overlord :grin:
1st episode: “Well this seems like it’s gonna be a nice anime”
2nd episode: “Kotae wa doko eyyyeeeyeee!!!” :joy:




Fifteen-year-old Megumi Shimizu dreamed of a glamorous life in the big city; however, her unexpected death in the quiet village of Sotoba marks the beginning of what appears to be a ferocious epidemic that turns the hot summer into a season of blood and terror. A young doctor named Toshio Ozaki begins to doubt the nature of the disease and comes to understand that to discover the truth, he must abandon his humanity. Meanwhile, Natsuno Yuuki, an antisocial youth from the city, is haunted by the sudden death of Megumi and must realize the pain of friendship in the face of his own tragedy. Toshio and Natsuno form an unlikely pair as they work together to save Sotoba before it transforms into a ghost town of vampires.

adapted from the horror novel written by Fuyumi Ono, goes beyond the average vampire story. It tells the tragic tale of survival in a world where one cannot easily distinguish between good and evil. Abandoned by God, the Shiki, as the vampires call themselves, have only their will to live as they clash with the fear of the paranoid/unbelieving villagers. Shiki explores the boundary that separates man from monster.


Dororo lit a f…


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